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Cosmetology Schools in Wisconsin

If you’re considering a career in cosmetology, Wisconsin is a great state to start your journey. There are many benefits to working as a cosmetologist in Wisconsin, including a wide range of job opportunities and the potential to earn a good income. The state is home to many top-rated cosmetology schools, so you’ll have plenty of options when it comes to choosing the right program for you. And with its central location in the Midwest, Wisconsin is an easy state to travel to for work or pleasure. Whether you’re looking for a small town or a big city atmosphere, you can find it in Wisconsin. Read on to learn more about how to become a cosmetologist in Wisconsin and find a cosmetology school near you.

Cosmetology Schools in Wisconsin

State Requirements for Cosmetology Licensing in Wisconsin

If you want to become a skincare specialist, here’s how you get started:

  • Graduate from a school approved by the Cosmetology Examining Board
  • Apply to take the license exams
  • Pass both parts of the exam (written and practical)
  • Comply with continuing education and renew your license

The Cosmetology Examining Board oversees the licensing and regulation of cosmetologists in the state, and they set the minimum requirements for those wishing to take the exam. To take the cosmetology exam in Wisconsin, you must complete 1550 hours of training at an approved school. You must also be 18 years old and have a high school diploma or equivalent.

How Much Do Wisconsin Cosmetology Programs Cost?

The tuition for a cosmetology school in Wisconsin can range from $12,000 to $20,000. Students can expect to pay for materials like textbooks and tools, ranging from a few hundred to over $1,000. Some schools include supplies with the cost of tuition.

There are opportunities to offset costs with financial aid through scholarships, grants, and student loans. Inquire about these options when researching schools to see what you qualify for.

Required Skills and Classes

cosmetologists need to have excellent people skills as they will be working with clients regularly. They should also be detail oriented and have good hand-eye coordination as they will be performing skincare treatments. Formal training covers topics and courses on:

  • Hair Design
  • Hair Color
  • Hair Texture
  • Scalp and Skin Care
  • Nail Care
  • Beauty Makeup
  • Business Administration

State Licensing Exams

The two-part exam (written and practical) in Wisconsin is administered by D.L. Roope Administrations and carried out by Pearson VUE. The practical exam has a time of 90 minutes for the written exam. The fee for the written exam is $135, and the fee for the practical is $177.

The practical exam tests your skills and knowledge in a real-world setting. You will be required to perform a facial and four other treatments, which will be judged by a panel of experts. The written exam covers safety and sanitation, hairdressing, and product knowledge. You must pass both parts of the exam with a scaled score of 75.00 to earn your license.

How Much Do Cosmetologists Get Paid in Wisconsin?

The average wage for a cosmetologist in Wisconsin is $29,140 per year, which equals $14.01 an hour (Bureau of Labor Statistics). Wages can vary depending on your experience, skills, and location.

Those working in the cosmetology industry often have the opportunity to earn commissions, tips, and bonuses, which can increase their income. Upskilling and more schooling will also help you earn more.

Does Wisconsin Have Continuing Education Requirements for Cosmetologists?

Wisconsin’s cosmologists, estheticians, and barbers must complete four hours of continuation every year.

Contact Information for Licensing Board

For more details on cosmetology licensing in Wisconsin, contact the Wisconsin Cosmetology Examining Board:

Website: https://dsps.wi.go
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 608-266-2112 or 877-617-1565