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Cosmetology Schools in Vermont

A career in cosmetology can be both rewarding and challenging. As a cosmetologist, you will have the opportunity to help people feel their best by providing them with high-quality hair, skin, and nail care. In addition, you will be able to interact with a wide range of people, learn about different cultures, and stay up-to-date on the latest trends. If you are considering a career in cosmetology, Vermont is an excellent place to pursue your education. The state is home to many top-notch cosmetology schools, check out our database below to find a cosmetology school near you.

Cosmetology Schools in Vermont

State Requirements for Cosmetology Licensing in Vermont

There are a few basic steps to becoming a licensed cosmetologist in the state:

  • Finish your formal cosmetology training
  • Apply for the written and practical license exam
  • Pass the cosmetology licensing exam

The Vermont Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists requires that all cosmetology students complete 1500 hours of formal education or 2000 hours as apprentices. These hours may be completed at an accredited school or a combination of an accredited school and work experience.

In order to qualify to be a licensed cosmetologist in Vermont, you also must be at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma or equivalent.

How Much Do Vermont Cosmetology Programs Cost?

The cost of tuition can vary depending on the school you choose to attend, but the average cost of tuition is typically around $13,000. Other costs may include books, supplies, and fees associated with the licensing exam. Expect around $2,500 to $3,000 in additional fees on top of your tuition costs. It’s wise to look into financial aid options as some schools offer scholarships or other forms of assistance to offset the cost of tuition.

Required Skills and Classes

To be successful in cosmetology, students must have good people skills, be able to work well under pressure, and possess creative ability and manual dexterity. During your formal training, you will learn about:

  • Anatomy and physiology
  • Client analysis
  • Scalp treatments
  • Hair coloring
  • Hair curling and straightening
  • Hair cutting
  • Styling
  • Manicures and pedicures
  • Facials
  • Safety and sanitation
  • Salon management
  • Cosmetology law and ethics

State Licensing Exams

When you are ready to take the exam, your school will assist you in finding a testing site and scheduling an appointment. The exam has three parts – theory, practical, and state law. You must pass all three parts to earn your license. The cost of the exam is $250.

The theory portion and the law section are both written exams. The practical exam is a skills test where you will be required to demonstrate your cosmetology skills in front of a panel of judges. You will be tested on your ability to style hair, do manicures and pedicures, and give facials.

How Much Do Cosmetologists Get Paid in Vermont?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for cosmetologists in Vermont is $24,520. The median hourly wage is $11.79.

Does Vermont Have Continuing Education Requirements for Cosmetologists?

Cosmetology licenses last for two years. There are no continuing education requirements to renew your license as a cosmetologist in Vermont.

However, staying up-to-date on the latest trends and techniques in the cosmetology industry is always recommended. The Vermont Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists has resources for continuing education opportunities on its website.

Contact Information for Licensing Board

To learn more, find forms, and get more details about becoming a cosmetologist in Vermont, contact the state licensing board or visit its website:

Email/Contact Form:
Phone: 802-828-1134 or 802-828-1505