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Barber Schools in Rhode Island

If you’re interested in becoming a barber in Rhode Island, you’ll need to attend an accredited barber school. In the state of Rhode Island, there are several schools that can provide you with the education and training you need to become a successful barber.

In addition to attending an accredited barber school, you’ll also need to obtain a license from the state of Rhode Island. To do this, you’ll need to pass a written and practical exam. Once you’ve obtained your license, you’ll be able to work in any barbershop in the state.

Barber Schools in Rhode Island

State Requirements for Barber Licensing­ in Rhode Island

The legal and educational requirements to become a licensed barber in Rhode Island are as follows:

  • Enroll in a barber school
  • Complete 1,500 hours of training at a barber school or 1,000 barber school hours and 840 apprenticeship hours
  • Pass the Barber Theory and Practical Exams
  • Renew license every two years

How Much Do Rhode Island Barber Programs Cost?

The average cost of tuition for barber school programs in Rhode Island is $14,000.

In addition to paying tuition, students must also buy a barber kit and all necessary supplies, pay for textbooks and study guides, as well as any fees associated with taking the licensure exam.

You may qualify for a variety of financial aid packages if you’re enrolled in a barber school. For example, Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), scholarships accessible through your barber school, Pell Grants, the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, VA benefits and direct subsidized loans are some of the options that could help you save money on education at barber schools. To learn whether you qualify for these programs, contact the financial aid office at your chosen barber school.

Required Skills and Classes

To receive a barber license in Rhode Island, candidates must meet several basic requirements. Specifically, they must be a United States citizen or is legally eligible to work, be at least 18 years old, and be a high school graduate or equivalent.

After meeting these basic requirements, candidates must either successfully complete a barber school program consisting of at least 1,500 hours of study in an accredited school, or complete 1,000 hours at a barber school and a minimum of 840 hours through an apprenticeship program.

Apprentice barbers must work under the direct supervision of a licensed barber in a licensed hair design shop. There can only be one licensed barber for each apprentice and the apprenticeship must last a minimum of six months.

State Licensing Exams

The Rhode Island barber exam consists of a Theory section as well as a Practical section. Both exams have a passing grade score of 70%. They are administered by PSI exams and must be taken at the following location:

Renaissance Providence Downtown Hotel

5 Avenue of the Arts

Providence, RI 02903

Theory Exam

There is a $75 fee that needs to be paid to take the Rhode Island barber exam. The exam consists questions covered in barber school and the exam must be completed in 90 minutes. Questions on the exam will relate to subjects including but not limited to:

  • Initial Client Consultation
  • Barbering Tools
  • Barbering Anatomy
  • Men’s and Women’s Haircutting
  • Straight Razor Shaving Protocols
  • Facial Hair Design and Trimming
  • Hair Design and Sculpting
  • Chemical Services

Practical Exam

The practical exam requires you to demonstrate barbering services in front of a panel of judges, who will grade you based on the quality of services performed, attention to detail, and your ability to follow specific rules and protocols outlined in barber school. Students will perform skills on mannequins and/or models.

How Much Do Barbers Get Paid in Rhode Island?

Rhode Island barbers make an average salary of $32,680 per year or $15.71 an hour according to the BLS.

Continuing Education Requirements

There are no continuing education requirements for barbers located in Rhode Island.

How Do I Renew My Rhode Island Barber License?

Barber licenses need to be renewed once every two years before September 30. Licenses can be renewed up to 60 days before the expiration date. Renewals can be completed online and there is a fee associated with renewing barber licenses.

Contact Information for Licensing Board

The Rhode Island Barbering, Hairdressing and Cosmetology Board can be contacted through the following details:

Phone: (401) 222-5960
Address: 3 Capitol Hill, Providence, RI 02908