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Esthetician Schools in Alabama

There are many reasons to consider an esthetician school in Alabama. The state is home to some of the best schools in the country, and it offers a variety of programs to choose from. Whether you want to specialize in skincare, makeup artistry, or nail care, there is an esthetician school in Alabama that can help you reach your goals.

Esthetician Schools in Alabama

State requirements for esthetician licensing in Alabama

There are four basic steps to becoming an esthetician in Alabama. Those steps are:

  • Completing a formal program in esthetics or a supervised apprenticeship
  • Apply for a license with the state of Alabama and pay the associated licensing fees
  • Pass the state’s required licensing exam
  • Renew your license every two years

There are minimum hour requirements for your esthetician class or apprenticeship to be seen as valid with the state of Alabama. Aspiring estheticians must complete 1,000 hours of coursework and training in a classroom setting, or 2,000 hours of supervised study in an apprenticeship.

Additionally, schools typically require that students are at least 16 years old and have at least a tenth-grade education or equivalent, such as a GED. Other requirements may include proof of citizenship, a valid ID, drug screening, and an aptitude test.

Estimated cost

There’s a wide range of prices for esthetician classes in Alabama, but you can typically expect to pay somewhere from $6,000 to $15,000 depending on the program and location.

Required skills and classes

Esthetician programs will typically cover subjects such as…

  • Analyzing a client’s skin
  • Understanding various makeup techniques
  • Utilization of skin care products
  • Customizing treatments for clients

State licensing exams

Alabama’s esthetician licensing exam has two parts – the written exam and the practical exam. The written exam takes roughly 90 minutes to complete, and you must score a minimum of 70% to pass. There is a fee of $75 that is paid to PSI, the test provider, as part of the written exam. Likewise, the practical exam also has a fee of $120 paid to PCS, who provides that test. The practical test has a number of skills that candidates must demonstrate including client protection, face massaging, facial makeup, and hair removal from eyebrows.


Estheticians in Alabama made an average of $35,080, or $16.87 per hour in 2020 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Continuing education requirements

Alabama does not have any requirements for continuing education but they do require that you submit a license renewal every two years on your birth month during odd numbered years.

Contact information for state licensing boards

You can reach the Alabama Board of Cosmetology & Barbering using the information below.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1-800-815-7453