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Cosmetology Schools in West Virginia

There are many reasons to choose cosmetology as a career and even more reasons to do so in the state of West Virginia. For starters, West Virginia is home to some of the most beautiful scenery in the country, and as a cosmetologist, you will have the opportunity to help your clients look their best when they are out enjoying all that the state has to offer. In addition, there are many great places to work as a cosmetologist in West Virginia. Salons and spas are thriving in cities like Charleston and Morgantown, and there is always a need for qualified cosmetologists in these busy locations. The first step toward this exciting new career path is finding the right school. Browse our collection of cosmetology schools in West Virginia to find the right program near you.

Cosmetology Schools in West Virginia

State Requirements for Cosmetology Licensing in West Virginia

To start an exciting career as a skincare specialist, you need to take the following steps:

  • Complete a cosmetology program that is approved by the West Virginia Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists
  • Apply to take the license test
  • Pass the written and practical portions of the cosmetologist licensing exam
  • Apply for a license and pay a $35 fee

The test to become a cosmetologist has certain minimum requirements that must be met before you can take it. In West Virginia, you must have a high school diploma and have completed at least 1800 hours of training at an accredited school.

Most cosmetology courses take around 12 months to complete. However, this can vary depending on the location and program you choose. There are other requirements, so it is important to check with the West Virginia Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists for more information.

How Much Do West Virginia Cosmetology Programs Cost?

The national average for tuition ranges between $15,000 and $20,000, but they tend to be a bit more affordable in West Virginia. According to the website, the average cost with tuition, books, and supplies is right around $13,400. Of course, this price may go up or down depending on your location and specific program.

Fortunately, several financial aid options are available to help you pay for school. You can apply for scholarships, grants, and loans. Many private lenders offer flexible options on student loans. Be sure to explore all of your options so that you can find the best way to finance your education.

Required Skills and Classes

As a cosmetologist, you will be responsible for providing your clients with various skincare services. These services can include facials, makeup applications, hair removal, and body wraps.

You’ll learn about:

  • Skin anatomy and physiology
  • Skin diseases and disorders
  • Spa treatments
  • Makeup artistry
  • Facials
  • Body wrapsHair removal
  • Product knowledge
  • Business and marketing skills
  • Laws and regulations

State Licensing Exams

The National Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology (NIC) examinations are administered by D.L. Roope Administrations. The written exam is 90 minutes long and tests your general knowledge of treatments and the field. The exam fee is $99.

The 4-5 hour practical exam tests your skills in haircutting, chemical waving, curling, and more. You must take the tests within six months of graduation.

How Much Do Cosmetologists Get Paid in West Virginia?

In West Virginia, the median wage for cosmetologists is $27,520annually. The median hourly pay is $13.22. These numbers can vary depending on your experience and location. For more information, please see the Bureau of Labor Statistics website.

Does West Virginia Have Continuing Education Requirements for Cosmetologists?

Cosmetologists, and barbers must complete four hours of continuing education every year to stay licensed.

Contact Information for Licensing Board

For more information on becoming a cosmetologist in West Virginia, please contact the West Virginia Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 304-558-3450