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Cosmetology Schools in Virginia

Virginia is a great place to pursue a career in cosmetology. The state’s diverse population means that cosmetologists have the opportunity to work with a variety of hair types and skin tones. In addition, Virginia’s vibrant nightlife and tourism industry provide ample opportunities for cosmetologists to find work in salons, spas, and hotels. The state’s proximity to Washington, D.C. also means that there is a demand for cosmetologists who are skilled in wedding and event styling. If you’re looking for a rewarding career with plenty of opportunities for growth, then cosmetology may be the perfect field for you.

This site provides you with the information you need to pursue a cosmetology career. We have an extensive database of cosmetology schools in Virginia as well as the information you need to know to earn your cosmetology license.

Cosmetology Schools in Virginia

State Requirements for Cosmetology Licensing in Virginia

There are a few basic steps to being a licensed cosmetologist in Virginia:

  • Complete a cosmetology program at an accredited school
  • Apply for a licensing exam with the Virginia Board of Barbers & Cosmology
  • Pass the written and practical exams
  • Renew your license every two years

1500 hours of training from a state-approved program or 3000 hours of apprenticeship is required in Virginia to be eligible for a license test. The application requires proof of training, a passport-type photo, and fees. The schooling can be completed at a vocational school, community college, or through an online program.

How Much Do Virginia Cosmetology Programs Cost?

The average cost of tuition for a cosmetology school in Virginia is a little over $17,000, and most programs are 11 or 12 months in length. Beyond tuition, you’ll also have additional expenses for books and supplies, and occasionally additional registration fees. In all, these will usually cost about an extra $2,000.

When looking for a cosmetology school, it’s important to remember that tuition cost doesn’t always indicate a higher quality education. Many affordable schools offer excellent programs.

It’s also worth it to look into financial aid options, as many schools offer scholarships and grants to help offset the cost of tuition. You may also be able to get student loans to help cover the costs.

Required Skills and Classes

As a cosmetologist, you will need to know how to provide services such as hair coloring, scalp massage, and hair curling. You will also need to be familiar with the industry’s latest trends to offer your clients the best services possible.

The core curriculum includes but is not limited to:

  • Sanitation And Safety
  • Anatomy And Physiology
  • Haircutting
  • Hairstyling
  • Coloring
  • Perming
  • Shampooing
  • Manicures
  • Pedicures
  • Makeup Application
  • Skincare

State Licensing Exams

The cosmetology licensing exam in Virginia is a two-part test. Professional Credential Services Inc (PSI) administers both tests. The licensing exam costs $86 for both parts.

The first part is a written (theory) exam, and the second part is a practical exam. The written exam is multiple choice and tests your general knowledge of cosmetology. The theory exam can be taken from your computer, and you must score 75 or higher to pass.

The practical exam has different stations, and you have one hour to complete it. You can apply for a temporary permit to work while your exam is processed.

How Much Do Cosmetologists Get Paid in Virginia?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the median annual salary for cosmetologists in Virginia is $24,520. The median hourly wage is $16.48.

Does Virginia Have Continuing Education Requirements for Cosmetologists?

There are no specific requirements for continuing education in Virginia, but it can help you stay competitive and provide the best services to your clients.

Many beauty schools offer continuing education courses, and many professional organizations offer seminars and workshops throughout the year. These are a great way to learn new skills and keep your knowledge current.

Contact Information for Licensing Board

Contact the Virginia Board of Barbers & Cosmetology at:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 804-367-8509