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Cosmetology Schools in Utah

Utah is a great place to pursue a career in cosmetology. The state offers a wide variety of cosmetology schools to choose from, so you can find the right program to fit your needs. In addition, Utah has a thriving beauty industry, with plenty of opportunities for new cosmetologists to build their careers. Cosmetologists in Utah are in high demand, and the state’s strong economy means that there are plenty of well-paying jobs available. If you’re looking for a fulfilling career that offers the chance to work with clients of all ages and backgrounds, cosmetology could be the perfect fit for you. Use our listings below to explore cosmetology schools near you in Utah and find one that fits your schedule and price point to get started on your new career.

Cosmetology Schools in Utah

State Requirements for Cosmetology Licensing in Utah

Here’s how you can become a cosmetologist in Utah:

  • Finish a beauty school program
  • Pass the cosmetology license written and practical exams
  • Apply for a license with the state of Utah
  • Keep your license current by renewing it every two years

You’ll need to complete 1600 hours of cosmetology training to qualify to take the exams. You’ll find courses that take anywhere from 12 months to complete. Utah also recognizes one-on-one apprenticeships of 2500 hours under the guidance of a licensed instructor.

The minimum age requirement is 16, and you must have a high school diploma or equivalent to be accepted into a cosmetology program.

How Much Do Utah Cosmetology Programs Cost?

Expect to pay around $10,000 to $14,000 in tuition for a general cosmetology school in Utah. Most programs require you to purchase a supply kit which can cost a few hundred to $2,000.

Schools may offer financial aid or payment plans as well, so it’s worth exploring those options, too. There are many other options to help make school more affordable, be sure to ask your admissions counselor about available opportunities.

Required Skills and Classes

One thing you’ll need to succeed as a cosmetologist is excellent people skills to build a clientele and the ability to work well under pressure. You should also be able to stand for long periods of time and have good hand-eye coordination.

Programs will offer classes on:

  • The different types of cosmetics and their purposes
  • How to apply makeup properly
  • How to remove makeup
  • The different skin care procedures
  • How to select the right products for each client’s individual needs
  • The business side of cosmetology, including how to run a salon, market oneself, etc.

State Licensing Exams

After you’ve completed a cosmetology program, you’ll need to pass both a written and practical exam to receive your license. The theory (written portion) costs $90, and the practical exam costs $90. PSI administers the tests.

The theory exam is designed to test your knowledge of state regulations, anatomy and physiology, skincare, and more. The practical exam tests your skills in a salon setting. For more information, see the PSI bulletin for exams in Utah.

How Much Do Cosmetologists Get Paid in Utah?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that the median annual salary for cosmetologists in Utah is $43,150. The hourly median wage is $20.75.

The beauty industry is expected to grow at a rate of 12 percent through 2024, which is faster than the average for all occupations. This growth will create opportunities for cosmetologists in various settings, including day spas, salons, dermatologists’ offices, and plastic surgery clinics.

Does Utah Have Continuing Education Requirements for Cosmetologists?

Utah does not require cosmetologists to complete continuing education to renew their licenses. However, You can find refresher courses at local schools or online. Your license must be renewed every two years (includes a $52 fee).

Contact Information for Licensing Board

Feel free to contact the Utah Department of Labor (DOPL) Cosmetology/Barbering division for more information:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (801) 530-6628 or (866) 275-3675