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Cosmetology Schools in Texas

There are many reasons to become a cosmetologist in Texas. The state is home to a large and growing population in many major metro areas like Houston, Austin, San Antonio, and Dallas/Fort Worth. This growth has created a surge in demand for beauty services. In addition, the warm climate means that people are able to stay outdoors and enjoy activities that involve personal appearance, such as swimming and sunbathing. As a result, cosmetologists in Texas have the opportunity to build a successful career while enjoying the state’s many attractions. In addition, cosmetologists in Texas are able to take advantage of the state’s business-friendly regulations that make it easier for cosmetologists to open their own businesses. As a result, becoming a cosmetologist in Texas can be an excellent way to build a prosperous career. Take the first step today by finding a program using our exhaustive list of cosmetology schools in Texas. We’ll help you find the right fit with a cosmetology school near you!

Cosmetology Schools in Texas

State Requirements for Cosmetology Licensing in Texas

Follow these steps to earn your cosmetology license in Texas:

  • Graduate from an approved cosmetology program
  • Apply to the Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation division of Cosmetology to take the licensing exams
  • Pass the written and practical exams
  • Renew your license every two years

To become a cosmetologist in Texas, you must complete an approved educational program consisting of at least 1000 hours of training. You can finish your training in as little as five months. Most programs are 12 months, but this depends on the school you attend.

Additionally, to qualify for the exam, you must be 17 years of age and have a high school diploma or GED.

How Much Do Texas Cosmetology Programs Cost?

Many cosmetology schools in Texas charge tuition rates that vary depending on the program you choose. According to the website, the average cost for tuition, books, and supplies comes out to around $14,800 in Texas. However, there are schools that offer lower rates, and scholarships may be available at some schools to reduce your total expenditure.

Required Skills and Classes

An approved program consisting includes classes on:

  • Salon Business Practices
  • Hair Cutting And Styling
  • Hair Coloring
  • Texture Services
  • Facial Treatments
  • Makeup Application
  • Nail Care
  • Spa Treatments
  • Waxing
  • Massage Therapy
  • Aromatherapy
  • Facial Treatments

State Licensing Exams

Fees for taking the exams and renewing your license are set by the state board. The fee for the written portion is $86, and the fee for the practical exam is $88. You have 115 minutes to complete the practical and 90 to complete the written one.

After you finish your training, you must apply to the Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation division of Cosmetology to take the licensing exams. The written exam is multiple choice and covers topics such as hair styling, hair cutting, hair coloring, safety and sanitation, and more.

The practical exam tests your skills in performing treatments like pedicures/manicures, cutting and styling hair, and scalp massage.

How Much Do Cosmetologists Get Paid in Texas?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics website states that the average salary for a cosmetologist in Texas is $26,420. However, this varies depending on your experience, location, and employer. The average hourly wage is $12.86.

The beauty industry is growing rapidly and is expected to grow by 9% by 2030. This means there are many opportunities for cosmetologists to work in the US.

Does Texas Have Continuing Education Requirements for Cosmetologists?

Continuing education is important for all professionals in the cosmetology industry. To renew your license, you must complete 4 hours of continuing education courses every two years. There are many different ways to obtain continuing education hours. You can attend live classes, watch online classes, or take self-study courses.

Contact Information for Licensing Board

Contact the Texas Board of Cosmetology or visit its website for more details.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 512-463-6599