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Cosmetology Schools in Tennessee

Tennessee is a great place to pursue a career in cosmetology. The state is home to a large number of salons and spas, and cosmetologists are in high demand. In addition, Tennessee offers a variety of cosmetology programs to choose from, so you can find the right school to fit your needs. And with its long history of supporting the arts, Tennessee is a great place to develop your creative skills. If you’re looking for a rewarding career that allows you to express your creativity, cosmetology is the perfect field for you. From Nashville to Knoxville to Memphis, we have the largest collection of beauty school listings in Tennessee, so let us help you find the right school to jumpstart your career in cosmetology today.

Cosmetology Schools in Tennessee

State Requirements for Cosmetology Licensing in Tennessee

If you want to work as a cosmetologist in Tennessee, follow these steps to get your license:

  • Receive training from an accredited cosmetology school
  • Apply with the State Board of Cosmetology and Barber Examiners to take the exams
  • Pass the theory, law, and practical license exams
  • Renew your license every two years

There is a minimum number of hours of formal training required for cosmetologists to be licensed in each state. In Tennessee, that number is 1500 hours. Programs vary in length, but most take 5-8 months for full-time students.

To be eligible to apply for cosmetology licensing in Tennessee, you need to submit the required documentation, which includes a high school or GED and two forms of ID. Once your application is approved, you can schedule your exams.

How Much Do Tennessee Cosmetology Programs Cost?

If you’re interested in attending a private cosmetology school in Tennessee, be prepared to spend around $15,000.

Tuition for cosmetology schools in Tennessee can vary depending on the school you choose, most will range between $13,000 and about $17,000. Additionally, you may be able to find scholarships or financial aid which can reduce your costs to an extent. Private schools cost more, but some people feel the extra investment is worth it for the individual attention and more hands-on training they offer.

Required Skills and Classes

Before enrolling in a cosmetology school, you’ll want to know about a cosmetologist’s duties. They may specialize in areas such as skincare, makeup artistry, or hair removal. cosmetology  programs teach students about:

  • Skincare basics
  • Anatomy and physiology of the skin
  • Client consultation
  • Hair removal methods
  • Makeup application
  • Chemistry
  • Business practices
  • State rules and regulations

State Licensing Exams

After graduation, you have three years to pass the exam. PSI exams administer the exam. Fees are $70 for the practical and $70 for the theory.

The state licensing exams are the written exam (theory) and practical exam. The registration fee for each exam is $70. The minimum passing score for the practice is 70%. It’s 75% for the written. You have 90 minutes to complete the written portion and 40 minutes to complete the theory portion. The exams cover topics such as safety and sanitation, hair removal, skincare, makeup, and product knowledge.

How Much Do Cosmetologists Get Paid in Tennessee?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the annual wage for cosmetologists in Tennessee is $29,830, and the hourly wage is $14.34.

Does Tennessee Have Continuing Education Requirements for Cosmetologists?

There are no continuing education requirements for cosmetologists in Tennessee, but many beauty industry professionals keep up with the latest trends and best practices in the industry. Continuing education keeps you up-to-date on new products, technologies, and procedures and can help you build your business skills.

Contact Information for Licensing Board

For more information on licensing and practice tests, visit or contact the Tennessee State Board of Cosmetology and Barber Examiners:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 615-741-2241