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Cosmetology Schools in Ohio

A career in cosmetology can be an exciting and rewarding experience. As a cosmetologist, you will have the opportunity to help people feel their best. In addition to providing services such as haircuts, hair coloring, and manicures, you will also be able to give your clients advice on how to take care of their skin and hair. Cosmetologists in Ohio are required to complete a State-approved program and obtain a license from the Ohio Board of Cosmetology. Once you have met these requirements, you will be able to work in a variety of settings, including salons, spas, and resorts. To learn more about this exciting career, keep reading. We also have a huge list of cosmetology schools in Ohio to help you find the right program near you!

Cosmetology Schools in Ohio

State Requirements for Cosmetology Licensing in Ohio

In Ohio, to work as a cosmetologist, you must hold a license. The basic steps are below:

  • Graduate from an official cosmetology program
  • Submit a cosmetology license application and fee to the Cosmetology and Barber Board
  • Schedule and pass the North Dakota Board of Cosmetology written and practical exams
  • Renew your license every odd-number year on January 31

The minimum number of course hours required to obtain a license in Ohio is 1500. It typically takes roughly six months to complete a cosmetology program as a full-time student.

To qualify for the state exams, you must be 16 years of age and have a 10th-grade education or equivalent. Many schools in the state offer funding and programs for high school students to take courses related to cosmetology while still in high school, which may reduce the time it takes to earn a cosmetology license.

How Much Do Ohio Cosmetology Programs Cost?

The average tuition for a cosmetology program in Ohio is $16,000. This will vary depending on the school you attend. Aside from tuition, there are other associated costs such as textbooks, equipment, and supplies ranging from several hundred to a few thousand dollars.

Federal and financial aid can help students afford school, and many scholarships are available specifically for students in beauty school, including PELL grants, loans, and other federal aid.

Required Skills and Classes

When you attend cosmetology school, you can expect to take a wide variety of courses that will help you prepare for a career in the beauty industry. You’ll also learn about different types of treatments and products that are used to improve the appearance of the skin.

The curriculum will include classes on:

  • Anatomy and physiology
  • Hair styling
  • Hair coloring
  • Haircuts
  • Perms and relaxers
  • Nail care
  • Skincare
  • Makeup application
  • Hair removal methods
  • Makeup application
  • Rules and regulations

State Licensing Exams

The Ohio State Cosmetology and Barbers oversee the state licensing exams. The exam is made up of two parts: a written section and a practical section. The written section tests your knowledge of the concepts covered in the cosmetology curriculum.

The practical section tests your ability to perform the various treatments and services you learned in school. The exam fees are $40 for each section.

How Much Do Cosmetologists Get Paid in Ohio?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of May 2021, the average annual income for a cosmetologist in Ohio is $28,480. The hourly pay in Ohio is $13.69. Job growth across the US is estimated at 9% over the next ten years.

Does Ohio Have Continuing Education Requirements for Cosmetologists?

You must complete 8 hours of continuing education every renewal period (two years) to maintain your license in Ohio.

Contact Information for Licensing Board

The Ohio Cosmetology and Barber Board can be contacted at:

Email/Contact Form:
Phone: (614) 466-3834