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Cosmetology Schools in North Dakota

A cosmetology license allows you to work in a wide range of settings, including salons, spas, and even cruise ships. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for cosmetologists is expected to grow by 13% over the next decade. This means that now is an excellent time to enter the field. If you’re thinking about becoming a cosmetologist, North Dakota is an ideal place to set up shop. The state’s low cost of living and relaxed licensing requirements make it an attractive option for aspiring professionals. Plus, with its stunning natural beauty, North Dakota is the perfect place to showing off your skills. Read on to learn more about the state’s licensing requirements and to find a cosmetology school near you in North Dakota.

Cosmetology Schools in North Dakota

State Requirements for Cosmetology Licensing in North Dakota

To work as a licensed Cosmetology in North Dakota, you must obtain a cosmetology license. Below are the main steps to getting your license:

  • Complete an accredited cosmetology program
  • Submit a completed application to the North Dakota Board of Barber Examiners and pay the associated fees
  • Pass the three-section cosmetology examination
  • Renew your license annually

Every first-time applicant for a cosmetology license must complete 1800 hours of study in an accredited program. Most of the curriculum will be on different treatments and how to perform them, and it typically takes 12 months to complete a cosmetology program.

You must be at least 16 years of age to sit for the examination and licensure in North Dakota. Many schools have additional requirements, including proof of a high school diploma with official transcripts.

How Much Do North Dakota Cosmetology Programs Cost?

The average tuition for a cosmetology program in North Dakota ranges from $10,000 to $15,000. Supply kits and books can add to the costs of your education. There are various ways to pay for school, including loans, grants, and scholarships.

Required Skills and Classes

When it comes to what you can expect in school, you will learn about skincare, hair removal, makeup application, and more. Coursework includes classes on:

  • Manicuring
  • Pedicuring
  • Haircutting & Styling
  • Coloring & Highlights
  • Braiding & twisting
  • Waving & thermal curling
  • Permanent waves
  • Relaxers
  • Texturizing
  • Facials
  • Makeup artistry
  • Massages
  • Body treatments & wraps

State Licensing Exams

The North Dakota Cosmetology licensing exam is a three-part test that covers theoretical, practical, and legal knowledge. PSI is contracted with the North Dakota Board of Cosmetology Practical Examination to administer the written tests. The fee for the ND examination is $40. The license fee is $70.

The theoretical section includes questions on the history of cosmetology, skin physiology, and product knowledge. The practical section consists of a theory of time trials that test your skills.

How Much Do Cosmetologists Get Paid in North Dakota?

The yearly median annual wage for cosmetologists in North Dakota is $29,740, and the median hourly wage is $14.30. This data is from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and reflects numbers published in May 2021.

There is potential to make more money as a Cosmetologist depending on your experience and where you work.

Does North Dakota Have Continuing Education Requirements for Cosmetologists?

As a Cosmetologist, you are not required to complete continuing education (CE) units to renew your license. While it’s not required, it’s recommended to continue learning to ensure you’re up to date on the latest techniques and products.

Contact Information for Licensing Board

For more information on becoming a Cosmetology in North Dakota, please get in touch with the board or visit its website.

Email/Contact Form: [email protected] or
Phone: (701) 224-9800