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Cosmetology Schools in New Hampshire

Beyond providing basic beauty services as a cosmetologist, you may also choose to specialize in areas such as hair coloring or nail art. No matter what your particular interests are, a career in cosmetology can offer you the chance to express your creativity and make a real difference in the lives of others. If you are interested in pursuing a career in cosmetology, New Hampshire is home to many outstanding cosmetology schools that can provide you with the education and training you need to succeed.

Let us help you find a cosmetology school near you today. Read on to learn more about how to become a cosmetologist in New Hampshire, licensing requirements, and more.

Cosmetology Schools in New Hampshire

State Requirements for Cosmetology Licensing in New Hampshire

To receive an initial license in New Hampshire.

  • Complete the required school hours in a cosmetology program at a licensed school
  • Register with the state board and apply for an initial license
  • Pass the licensure examination tests
  • Renew your license every two years

Applicants must be at least 18 years of age, have completed two years of high school or equivalent, and complete a cosmetology program consisting of no less than 1500 hours of study from an accredited institution or 3000 hours as an apprentice.

Cosmetology programs generally take 12 months to complete; it may take longer or shorter depending on the specific program. Many schools offer part-time and full-time options to accommodate different schedules.

How Much Do New Hampshire Cosmetology Programs Cost?

Tuition costs vary depending on the school, but the price can range from $10,000 to $20,000. Private schools tend to be more expensive than public schools.

There are other costs associated with becoming a cosmetologist, including a kit and supplies like books. Additional expenses for textbooks and other course materials may also be required.

Financial aid options like grants, scholarships, and loans are available through the government and private institutions. Private loans must be repaid but can offer a more flexible payment schedule than other types of student loans. Grants do not need to be repaid.

Required Skills and Classes

To be a successful cosmetologist, one must have strong people skills as the job requires close contact with clients. Cosmetologists must also be good at paying attention to detail to provide quality services. Below are courses you’ll see in cosmetology programs:

  • Haircutting
  • Hairstyling
  • Hair coloring
  • Chemistry
  • Perming
  • Sanitation and bacteriology
  • Nail care
  • Esthetics
  • Business and marketing

State Licensing Exams

The state licensing exam for cosmetologists is a three-part process, with a written test and a practical exam. The written tests are primarily multiple choice and cover basic chemistry, service skills, and product knowledge. The practical exam requires cosmetologists to demonstrate their skills in a salon setting.

When you are ready to graduate, your school will determine if you are eligible for testing and help you begin the application process. Online exams for the written portion are available online through D.L. Roope, the test administrator.

The written test has a time limit of two hours, and the practical exam is a series of timed tests. A passing score is 75.00 on both the written and practical exams. The fee to take the exams is $192.

How Much Do Cosmetologists Get Paid in New Hampshire?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that the median annual wage for cosmetologists was $29,540 in May 2021. The BLS also reports that the median hourly wage for cosmetologists was $14.16.

Does New Hampshire Have Continuing Education Requirements for Cosmetologists?

There are no continuing education requirements for cosmetologists in New Hampshire unless you are an instructor.

Contact Information for Licensing Board

You can contact the New Hampshire Board of Barbering, Cosmetology and Esthetics can via:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (603) 271-2152