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Cosmetology Schools in Massachusetts

A career in cosmetology can be both rewarding and financially lucrative. In Massachusetts, cosmetologists are in high demand, due to the state’s large population and diverse beauty needs. As a cosmetologist, you would have the opportunity to meet new people and help them feel good about themselves. You would also be able to choose your own hours and work environment. And, with the right training and networking, you could eventually open your own salon or spa. Browse our cosmetology school listings to find a program near you and explore the possibilities of becoming a cosmetologist in Massachusetts.

Cosmetology Schools in Massachusetts

State Requirements for Cosmetology Licensing in Massachusetts

The steps to be a licensed cosmetologist in Massachusetts are to:

  • Complete a cosmetology program that the state has approved
  • Take the cosmetology licensure exam
  • Apply with the Board of Registration of Cosmetology and Barbering and pay any licensing fees
  • Reinstate your license every two years

To be licensed in Massachusetts, you must complete a certain number of study hours. Once you have completed an accredited 1000-hour program and all the necessary prerequisites, you’ll be eligible to take the test. It will take around 8-10 months to complete your training. This depends on how often you attend class and how many hours you study per week.

You must be 16 years old to apply for a cosmetology license in Massachusetts. There is no upper age limit, so long as you can meet the job’s physical requirements. These include standing for long periods, lifting supplies, and using your hands for tasks such as waxing.

How Much Do Massachusetts Cosmetology Programs Cost?

Beauty schools in Massachusetts charge approximately $12,000 for tuition. Private schools tend to be on the higher end, while community colleges are typically more affordable.

The cost of tuition will vary depending on the school you choose. Some schools may offer scholarships or financial aid, so it’s encouraged to do your research by contacting schools you are interested in.

Required Skills and Classes

To be a successful cosmetologist, you’ll need specialized skills. You’ll also be working closely with clients, so it’s important that you’re able to build rapport and put them at ease. The core curriculum includes:

  • Haircutting
  • Hairstyling
  • Color theory
  • Chemistry
  • Perming and straightening
  • Extensions
  • Braiding
  • Facial treatments
  • Makeup application
  • Skin care
  • Nail care

In addition to the core curriculum, some schools offer electives that allow you to specialize in a certain area.

State Licensing Exams

You must pay a $150 fee when registering to take the licensing exam. The cosmetology licensing exam is administered by the Pearson VUE while the Board of Registration of Cosmetology and Barbering validates the results. If you need to retake the test, the registration fee is $120. The exam is pass/fail. A passing grade is 75% for the written exam and 80% for the practical exam.

The written portion consists of multiple-choice questions, and the practical portion consists of performing a series of tasks on a live model or mannequin. The tests assess your skills and cover rules and regulations, anatomy and physiology, and other aspects of the core curriculum.

How Much Do Cosmetologists Get Paid in Massachusetts?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, cosmetologists in Massachusetts earn an average of $37,660 per year. This equates to an hourly wage of $18.11.

Does Massachusetts Have Continuing Education Requirements for Cosmetologists?

To keep your license current, you will need to renew it every two years. The state does not require any additional education hours.

Contact Information for Licensing Board

The Board of Registration of Cosmetology and Barbering contact information is below.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (617) 701-8792