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Cosmetology Schools in Maine

A cosmetologist in Maine can enjoy a fulfilling career while helping others to feel their best. As a cosmetologist, you will have the opportunity to use your creativity to make people look and feel their best. You will also be able to build relationships with your clients and help them to relax and feel good about themselves. In addition, cosmetologists in Maine are able to work flexible hours and set their own schedules. If you are interested in a career in cosmetology, this page will provide you with the details you need to learn how to become a cosmetologist and also give you information on local schools so you can find a cosmetology program near you.

Cosmetology Schools in Maine

State Requirements for Cosmetology Licensing in Maine

The four main steps to working as a licensed cosmetologist are:

  • Complete a cosmetology program that is approved by the state of Maine
  • Apply for a license and submit a $41 application fee
  • Pass the cosmetology licensing exam
  • Renew your license every two years

To be a licensed cosmetologist in Maine, you must complete at least 1500 hours of training at an accredited institution or 2500 hours as an apprentice. The average time to finish school is usually around 10-12 months if you attend full-time. You must be at least 17 years of age, have a 10th-grade education, and submit proof of citizenship to be eligible for licensure. There may be other prerequisites depending on the school you attend.

How Much Do Maine Cosmetology Programs Cost?

The cost of tuition and supplies for cosmetology schools in Maine varies depending on the program and location. However, expect to pay around $15,000 for tuition and an additional $1,500 to $2,000 for supplies.

There are many ways to offset the costs of training and supplies. Schools offer financial aid, and there are also scholarships available specifically for cosmetology students.

Required Skills and Classes

There are various skills you’ll learn in training as a cosmetologist. You’ll also learn about the many different specialties in the field. Typical classes and subjects trainees explore are:

  • Hair design and styling
  • Cutting
  • Coloring
  • Perming and relaxing treatments
  • Facial hair treatments
  • Shampooing and conditioning
  • Scalp treatments
  • Basic hairstyling
  • Updos
  • Braiding

State Licensing Exams

The registration fee for the state licensing exam is $10. Your school will help you schedule the exam, which PSI Services LLC administers (includes a $69 fee).

The licensing exam is a two-part test. The first part is a written exam. The second part is a practical exam in which you must demonstrate your knowledge. The practical exam tests your knowledge of the material, while the written exam tests your ability to understand general and state-specific information.

While PSI administers the exams – the test is created by the National-Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology (NIC), a nonprofit organization that creates exams for cosmetology; the NIC also provides resources and support to state boards of cosmetology.

How Much Do Cosmetologists Get Paid in Maine?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) publishes annual wage and salary data for cosmetologists. As of May 2017, the median annual wage for cosmetologists was $28,640. The median hourly wage was $13.77.

Does Maine Have Continuing Education Requirements for Cosmetologists?

To renew your license in Maine, you must complete 14 hours of continuing education credits (CEUs) every two years. Most schools offer continuing education classes, and there are also many online programs available. You can also find workshops and conferences that satisfy CE requirements.

Contact Information for Licensing Board

You can visit the Barbering & Cosmetology Licensing Program website or contact them by phone for more information:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (207) 624-8579 – for licensing inquiries