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Cosmetology Schools in Louisiana

When you become a cosmetologist in Louisiana, you open up a world of possibilities. Not only will you be able to work in a variety of settings, but you’ll also have the opportunity to interact with people from all walks of life. As a cosmetologist, you’ll be able to help people feel their best by providing them with hair styling, makeup, and skincare services. In addition, you’ll be able to keep up with the latest trends and techniques by continuing your education at one of the many hair design schools in Louisiana. To find a cosmetology school near you in Louisiana, check out our listings below!

Cosmetology Schools in Louisiana

State Requirements for Cosmetology Licensing in Louisiana

Becoming licensed is important in ensuring that you are qualified to provide safe and effective services. Below are the basic requirements:

  • Complete a cosmetology program at an accredited school
  • Apply to take the state licensing exam and pay all associated fees to the Louisiana Board of Cosmetology
  • Pass the state licensing exam
  • Renew your license every year

To become licensed in Louisiana, you must complete at least 1500 hours of the cosmetologist curriculum. 10 to 15 months is the average time it takes to complete an accredited program. This varies based on the school’s schedule and your ability to attend classes full-time. Additionally, you must be at least 16 years old and have a 10th-grade education or equivalent.

How Much Do Louisiana Cosmetology Programs Cost?

Tuition for cosmetology schools in Louisiana can vary depending on the school you choose. The average tuition cost is about $13,000. During your research, you’ll find that tuition can range from $7,000 to more than $20,000. Along with tuition, You will also need to purchase textbooks and a kit with supplies.

There are plenty of options that make school more affordable. Several scholarships and payment plans are available to help you finance your education. Talk to the admissions office at your chosen school for more information.

Required Skills and Classes

The beauty industry is constantly growing and changing. To be successful, cosmetologists need to possess a range of qualities and knowledge. Some of the most important include:

  • Haircutting and Hairstyling
  • Hair Color
  • Permanent Waving and Chemical Relaxing
  • Braiding and Extensions
  • Nail Care
  • Skin Care
  • Makeup Application
  • Business Management
  • Salon Services

State Licensing Exams

Your school will schedule your testing date after you have completed your curriculum. PSI, a professional testing service, administers the tests.

The exam is a two-part test, and the fee is $50. The written portion consists of 25 multiple-choice questions on general knowledge and state-specific knowledge. A passing grade for both exams is 75%.

How Much Do Cosmetologists Get Paid in Louisiana?

The average annual salary for a cosmetologist in Louisiana is $23,250. The average hourly wage is $11.18. However, this varies based on your level of experience, skills, and the type of services you offer. With a growing industry and plenty of opportunities for advancement, cosmetologists in Louisiana can expect to see their salaries increase over time.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics provides detailed information on salary and job prospects for cosmetologists across the United States. Visit their website to learn more.

Does Louisiana Have Continuing Education Requirements for Cosmetologists?

There are no continuing education requirements for cosmetologists in Louisiana.

Contact Information for Licensing Board

Please contact the Louisiana State Board Of Cosmetology or visit its website for more information.

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Phone: 866-257-7901 or 225-756-3404