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Cosmetology Schools in Indiana

A cosmetologist in Indiana can enjoy a stable career with good job prospects and the potential to earn a comfortable salary. In addition to competitive pay and good job prospects, a career as a cosmetologist can offer other benefits. Many cosmetologists enjoy the creative aspects of their work and the opportunity to meet new people and build relationships with clients. Cosmetologists also often have flexible schedules that allow them to choose when they work. And because cosmetologists typically work in clean and well-lit salons, their working conditions are usually pleasant. For those interested in a career in beauty, becoming a cosmetologist in Indiana can be a smart choice. Interested in learning more? Check out our list of cosmetology schools in Indiana to find one near you!

Cosmetology Schools in Indiana

State Requirements for Cosmetology Licensing in Indiana

Becoming a cosmetologist is a process that requires both time and effort. The following steps outline the process of becoming a cosmetologist:

  • Complete an accredited program
  • Apply for a license with the Indiana Board of Cosmetology & Barber
  • Pass the state board exam
  • Renew your license every two years
  • Start working! Once you have completed all the necessary steps, it’s time to explore your career options.

You must complete 1500 hours of coursework to take the licensing test. Unlike some other states, Indiana does not recognize apprenticeships as official training. Most programs last 9 to 12 months, although some schools offer accelerated programs. If you attend part-time, it may take up to two years.

There are also requirements to enroll in a beauty school. The state requires that you must have a 10th grade or equivalent. Additional documentation, such as a criminal background check, may be required to take the exam after graduation.

How Much Do Indiana Cosmetology Programs Cost?

Tuition for a cosmetology program can vary depending on your chosen school. However, most private schools cost $15,000 to attend. Scholarships and federal aid are available to help make school more affordable. Books and supplies are typically sold separately, although some schools will bundle the cost of supplies with tuition.

Required Skills and Classes

The state licensing exam for cosmetologists can be challenging. It is important to be well-prepared for it, so you can pass and start your career. Some of the subjects students learn about include:

  • Hair Cutting And Styling,
  • Hair Coloring
  • Skin Care
  • Makeup Application
  • Nail Care
  • Salon Business Operations
  • State Rules And Regulations
  • Safety And Sanitation

State Licensing Exams

The application fee for the exam is $40 made out to PSI. There are two parts to the examination. The written exam tests your knowledge of the profession, while the practical exam evaluates your skills on a model or mannequin.

You’ll need to demonstrate knowledge and proficiency in hair removal, state-specific laws, facial massage, makeup application, and more. A score of 75% is necessary to pass, and you’ll have 90 minutes to finish each exam. You also need a score of 75% on the practical test.

How Much Do Cosmetologists Get Paid in Indiana?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported the median annual wage for cosmetologists as $28,350 in May 2021. The median hourly wage was reported as $13.63.

Does Indiana Have Continuing Education Requirements for Cosmetologists?

There are no continuing education requirements to renew your license in Indiana. However, the board of cosmetology highly encourages cosmetologists to attend periodic training workshops or seminars to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and techniques.

Contact Information for Licensing Board

The following is the contact information for the Indiana Board of Cosmetology & Barber:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1-800-457-8283