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Cosmetology Schools in Florida

Ever dreamed of working in a salon, helping people feel beautiful? If you love making people look and feel their best, then a career in cosmetology might be the perfect fit for you. Cosmetologists provide beauty services such as hair styling, manicures, and pedicures. In Florida, there is a growing demand for cosmetologists due to the state’s tourism industry. As a result, there are many opportunities for cosmetologists to find work in salons, resorts, and spas. If you’re interested in pursuing a career in cosmetology, take the first step today by using our list below to find a cosmetology school near you in Florida.

Cosmetology Schools in Florida

State Requirements for Cosmetology Licensing in Florida

We will discuss what you need to do to become a cosmetologist and what you can expect during training. Below are the main requirements.

  • Submit official transcripts proving you’ve completed a state-approved program
  • Apply for a license and pay any associated fees
  • Renew your license by October 31 every other year
  • Florida does not require applicants to pass an examination
  • Florida does not recognize apprenticeships as training

Florida requires a minimum of 1200 training hours to become a cosmetologist. The state must license the school you attend to provide this training.

It usually takes anywhere from 10-12 months to complete the training required to become a licensed facial specialist in Florida. Some schools offer part-time or full-time programs. If you go to school part-time, it can take up to two years.

Additionally, to take the state licensing test, you must be at least 16 years old and have a high school diploma or equivalent.

How Much Do Florida Cosmetology Programs Cost?

While tuition costs vary from school to school, the average cost of tuition for a cosmetology program in Florida is $16,000. Most schools offer financing options and scholarships to help offset the cost of tuition. Financial aid is available for those who qualify under the US Department of Education.

Required Skills and Classes

Cosmetology specialists work directly with people and need various skills to succeed. This job requires technical knowledge and the ability to work with clients one-on-one to provide them with customized services. Training programs cover:

  • Health and safety practices
  • State cosmetology laws and regulations
  • The science of hair, skin, and nails
  • Cutting, coloring, shampooing, styling, and other hair treatments
  • Facial treatments
  • Makeup application
  • Nail care
  • Business administration

State Licensing Exams

There is no state licensing exam required. Unlike most states across the US, Florida does not require an examination for licensure. You can apply for your license if you have completed the minimum 1200 hours of practical training at a state-approved facial specialist program.

The total fee to apply for a license in Florida is $75. You must renew your license every other year and pay a $55 renewal fee.

How Much Do Cosmetologists Get Paid in Florida?

Skincare specialists are in high demand across the US. In Florida. Data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics shows the average salary for a skincare specialist is $14.17 per hour. The median annual salary for a cosmetologist in the state is $29,470.

Does Florida Have Continuing Education Requirements for Cosmetologists?

Keeping up with the latest trends in the esthetics industry is important to provide your clients with the best possible service, so consider taking courses that offer new techniques and methods.

To renew your license, you need to complete a minimum of 16 hours of continuing education each renewal period. The continuing education units (CEUs) can be earned through online or offline courses.

Contact Information for Licensing Board

You can contact the Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation or visit its website for more information on licensure:

Email/Contact Form:
Phone: (850) 487-1395