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Cosmetology Schools in Arkansas

There are many reasons why cosmetology could be a rewarding career choice, and Arkansas is a great state in which to pursue this career path. For starters, the cost of living in Arkansas is relatively low, which means that cosmetologists will be able to save money while they train. Additionally, Arkansas is home to a number of top-notch cosmetology schools, such as the Aveda Institute and Paul Mitchell The School, which offer comprehensive programs that can prepare students for a successful career in cosmetology. Learn more about the process of becoming a licensed cosmetologist and check out all the cosmetology schools available in Arkansas.

Cosmetology Schools in Arkansas

State Requirements for Cosmetology Licensing in Arkansas

Interested in becoming a cosmetologist in Arkansas? Before you can legally work, you’ll need to do the following:

  • Complete and pass an accredited program
  • Once you’ve completed training, apply for a license examination through the Arkansas State Board of Cosmetology
  • Pass a written and practical examination
  • Renew your cosmetology license every two years

Minimum hourly requirements are needed for both classroom instruction and hands-on practice. The minimum number of training hours needed to become a cosmetologist in Arkansas is 1500. To attend school, you must be 16 years old, have two years of high school or equivalent, and provide proof of age (state ID or DL).

How Much Do Arkansas Cosmetology Programs Cost?

You will pay anywhere from $10,000 to $18,000 for tuition. Programs usually take about 11-12 months to complete. The first few months will be spent in class learning theory and skincare basics. The remaining time will be spent completing hands-on training in a salon setting.

Required Skills and Classes

Cosmetologists are in high demand, and there are plenty of opportunities for those with the right training and skills. Subjects you will study include but are not limited to:

  • Hair design and cutting
  • Hairstyling
  • Color application
  • Skin care
  • Nail care
  • Makeup artistry
  • Business management

Programs will also require you to take classes in general education subjects, such as English, math, and science.

State Licensing Exams

The requirements for taking the exam vary from state to state. After you complete your training, you’ll be ready to take the state cosmetology licensing exam. Fees for first-timers are $65 for the written examination and $60 for the practical.

The time it takes to complete the exam can vary depending on the person’s ability to learn and retain the material, but there is a 90-minute time limit. To pass, you need a minimum score of 75% on the written exam and 70% on the practical exam.

The written exam covers the theory portion of your coursework, and the practical exam tests your ability to perform services such as hair coloring, waxing, manicures, and styling. If you don’t pass the exam the first time, you can take it again after a waiting period set by the state.

How Much Do Cosmetologists Get Paid in Arkansas?

Cosmetologists are in high demand, and there are plenty of opportunities for those with the right training and skills. Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed the median annual salary for skincare professionals in Arkansas was $26,080 in 2020. The median hourly wage was $12.54.

Does Arkansas Have Continuing Education Requirements for Cosmetologists?

To renew your license in Arkansas, you must complete six hours of continuing education every two years.

Contact Information for Licensing Board

For more information, you can contact the Arkansas Board of Cosmetology directly. Office hours are 8 am to 4 pm Monday-Friday.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 501-682-2168