If you’re interested in becoming an esthetician, Delaware is a great state to get your training. There are several schools located throughout the state that offer programs in esthetics. And, since Delaware is such a small state, you’ll be able to get plenty of experience working with clients from all over the US.
Becoming an esthetician can be a great way to start your own business or work in a salon or spa. And, since the demand for estheticians is always high, you’ll be able to find plenty of work in Delaware. If you’re looking for a rewarding career that allows you to help others feel and look their best, get started by attending one of the many esthetician schools in Delaware.
State requirements for esthetician licensing in Delaware
- Six hundred (600) hours’ worth of education or one thousand two hundred (1200) hours of the apprenticeship will be required to obtain an esthetician license.
- A $175 fee will be paid upon submission of the application.
- Both written and practical tests must be completed successfully to obtain the said license.
- License holders are required to renew their license every two (2) years.
Estimated cost
There are a number of fees that are part of your total cost for an esthetician program in Delaware. Typically, you’ll pay around $9,000 for tuition for a 600-hour program. Supplies and books will cost around $2,500 and there’s typically a small enrollment fee. In total, you should expect to pay roughly $12,000 for all costs of earning your license.
Students must be at least 16 years of age and have completed 10th-grade level or GED to qualify.
Required skills and classes
The training program must be completed at a reputable aesthetics or a cosmetology school. A comprehensive training program will include the following:
- Facials
- Nutrition
- Waxing
- Aromatherapy
- Body treatments
- Microdermabrasion
- Retail and sales techniques
- Makeup artistry
- Anatomy and physiology
- Infection control, safety, and sanitation
State licensing exam
After a student has completed the required education or apprenticeship, the next step in obtaining a license is to take an exam. To be eligible, applicants must provide the following:
- Pay a fee
- Passport photo
- A copy of your high school marks
- Transcript from your aesthetics program
Once the requirements have been submitted; examinees will be notified of the date, time, and location of the examination a week and a half prior.
The passing score for both portions of the exams must be at least 75%
Average salary
It’s predicted that there would be a job increase of 13% between the years 2016 and 2026 for estheticians working in Delaware which is higher than the national average of 11%.
The table below summarizes the typically expected salaries within Delaware.
Hourly Wage | Annual Salary | ||
Entry-Level: | $10.84 | Entry-Level: | $22,550 |
Mid-Level: | $14.76 | Mid-Level: | $30,710 |
Experienced: | $19.11 | Experienced: | $39,740 |
Continuing education requirements
No continuing education hours will be required to renew the license.
Contact information for state licensing boards
Board of Cosmetology and Barbering
- Address: Suite 203 861 Silver Lake Blvd, Dover, DE 19904
- Website: https://dpr.delaware.gov/boards/cosmetology/
- Email: [email protected]
- Call: 302-744-4500
- Fax: 302-739-2711