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Cosmetology Schools in Oregon

As a cosmetologist in Oregon, you’ll enjoy a rewarding career that allows you to use your creativity and technical skills to help others look and feel their best. In addition to working in traditional salons, Oregon cosmetologists may also find opportunities in spas, resorts, and even film and television. And with the state’s scenic beauty and diverse population, you’ll never find yourself lacking for interesting places to work or people to meet. If you’re considering a career in cosmetology, use our database below to find the perfect cosmetology school near you in Oregon to begin an exciting new career path!

Cosmetology Schools in Oregon

State Requirements for Cosmetology Licensing in Oregon

Here are the steps you need to take to become a cosmetologist in Oregon:

  • Get educated – complete a cosmetology training program from a competency-based school
  • Register to take the state licensing exam
  • Pass the required exams
  • Renew your license biannually

Cosmetologists must complete a 2300-hour program. The hours must include 20 hours of study on state laws and 20 hours of study on career development.

How Much Do Oregon Cosmetology Programs Cost?

The average cost of tuition for all of Oregon is $13,000. However, this may vary depending on the school you attend. Make sure to research different schools before deciding on one.

Other costs associated with attending cosmetology school include textbooks, supplies, and room and board. There are various sources of financial aid for students pursuing a career as a cosmetologist. Some of the most common sources include The United States Department of Education, the Oregon state government, schools, and private organizations.

Required Skills and Classes

To be successful in this career, cosmetologists must have excellent customer service skills since they interact with clients regularly. They should also be able to work independently, as many cosmetology duties involve working alone in a salon or spa.

Topics covered in school include but are not limited to:

  • Barbering
  • Hair styling
  • Cosmetology
  • Esthetics
  • Nail care
  • Laws and regulations
  • Chemistry related to beauty products
  • Anatomy
  • Physiology
  • Product knowledge
  • Career development

State Licensing Exams

Oregon cosmetology schools require students to pass a state-sanctioned practical examination conducted by a licensed career school meeting the Higher Education Coordinating Commission’s (HECC) criteria and standards as part of the program’s requirements. Once the candidate passes the exam and graduates their program they must pass the state-administered practical and theory exams as well as the Oregon laws and rules exam to earn their license. The written portion is essentially a two-part exam that includes a written test on theory ($45 fee) and a test on Oregon laws and rules ($45 fee).

The tests will assess your knowledge of state laws, safety and sanitation, infection control, skin analysis, anatomy, physiology, histology, chemistry, professional ethics, and theory and practice. Each examination has a 90-minute time limit. The minimum passing score for both examinations is 75%.

How Much Do Cosmetologists Get Paid in Oregon?

Based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics – the median average annual earnings for cosmetologists in the state of Oregon is $28,670. The median hourly wage is $13.79.

There are many opportunities for advancement within the field of cosmetology, such as working in a larger salon, becoming a manager, or teaching esthetics and cosmetology. The job growth rate for this profession is projected at 16% from 2018-2028, which is higher than the national average.

Does Oregon Have Continuing Education Requirements for Cosmetologists?

Oregon cosmetologists must complete 24 hours of continuing education (CE) every renewal cycle (2 years).

Contact Information for Licensing Board

Reach out to the Oregon Board of Cosmetology for more information on licensing.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (503) 378-8667