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Cosmetology Schools in Montana

A cosmetologist in Montana can expect to enjoy a number of benefits. The state is home to a number of world-class ski resorts, which means that there is a large demand for beauty services during the winter months. And with a variety of outdoor activities available year-round, Montana is an ideal place to live and work for those who love the outdoors. The cosmetology profession offers a number of opportunities for creativity and self-expression, and cosmetologists in Montana can enjoy a high degree of job satisfaction. If you’re considering a new career and think cosmetology might be a good fit for you, check out our listings below to find a cosmetology school in Montana near you and take the first step toward a rewarding new career.

Cosmetology Schools in Montana

State Requirements for Cosmetology Licensing in Montana

To be a licensed cosmetologist in the state of Montana, you must:

  • Complete a training program that the approved by the Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists
  • Apply to take the licensure test and pay the $80 application fee
  • Pass the cosmetology licensure examination
  • Renew your license every two years

Applicants who have never been licensed must complete a minimum of 2000 hours of training. In Montana, you can submit a license application once you have completed 90% of your program. Other requirements to become licensed are proof of age (18 years old) and proof of a high school diploma or equivalent.

How Much Do Montana Cosmetology Programs Cost?

Tuition is around $12,500. You may also be required to purchase additional supplies throughout your program. Toolkits and supplies like textbooks will cost an additional $1,000 to $2,500. Supplies are included with the price of tuition at some schools. It takes around 12-15 months for full-time students to complete most programs in the state.

The cost to attend a private school will be higher in most cases. Financial aid through federal or private sources may be available to those that qualify. Three main types of financial aid are grants, loans, and scholarships, and each has different eligibility requirements and terms.

Required Skills and Classes

Cosmetologists need to have a firm grasp of beauty treatments. Common subjects aspiring skincare professionals study are:

  • Facial treatments
  • Hair removal
  • Makeup artistry
  • Manicures and pedicures
  • Massages
  • Business administration
  • Safety and sanitation
  • State cosmetology laws

State Licensing Exams

The NIC cosmetology licensing exam is a two-part test that covers both theory and practical skills. The theory exam tests your knowledge of the principles of cosmetology, while the practical exam evaluates your ability to perform various cosmetology treatments. Registration for the theory portion is $55 and $80 for the practical part.

The written exam is 90 minutes long and consists of 100 multiple-choice questions. The exam covers skin care, hair removal, makeup, and nail care. You’ll need to score at least 75% to pass the written exam.

The practical exam includes various treatment scenarios. You’ll be evaluated on your ability to provide safe and effective treatments. You’ll need to score at least 75% to pass the practical exam.

How Much Do Cosmetologists Get Paid in Montana?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the median hourly wage for cosmetologists in Montana is $13.12 per hour, which equates to $27,290 annually.

Does Montana Have Continuing Education Requirements for Cosmetologists?

to maintain a cosmetology license in Montana, cosmetologists must complete 30 hours of continuing education CE every two years. These hours can be earned through attending workshops, taking classes, or participating in other activities approved by the Montana Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists.

Contact Information for Licensing Board

visit the Montana Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists or contact them for answers to specific questions:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (406) 841-2300