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Cosmetology Schools in Connecticut

If you’re interested in a career in cosmetology, Connecticut is a great place to start your journey. The state is home to some of the country’s top salon and spa businesses, which means there are plenty of opportunities for cosmetologists to advance their careers. In addition, cosmetologists in Connecticut are able to take advantage of the state’s many education and career programs. We’ve put together a collection of all the cosmetology schools in Connecticut to help you find one near you!

Cosmetology Schools in Connecticut

State Requirements for Cosmetology Licensing in Connecticut

If you’re considering becoming a cosmetologist, it’s important to understand the requirements for licensure in Connecticut. To become a licensed cosmetologist, you must:

  • Complete a state-approved cosmetology program
  • Apply for a license with the Examining Board for Barbers, Hairdressers, and Cosmeticians
  • Pass the written cosmetology license exam
  • Renew your license every two years

Before you are eligible to take the exam, you need to complete 1500 education hours. This includes a combination of theory and practice in a salon setting at a cosmetology school or institution.

Many schools offer cosmetology programs across the state. Each school has different admissions requirements, but all require students to be at least 16 years old and have 10th-grade education or equivalent to enroll. The time it takes to finish school depends on the program you take and how often you attend. Full-time students typically complete their training in 5-8 months.

How Much Do Connecticut Cosmetology Programs Cost?

The average cost for cosmetology school can vary depending on many factors but is typically $14,000 to $18,000 in tuition. Other costs to consider are books and supply kits (which may or may not be included).

Required Skills and Classes

As a cosmetologist, you will be responsible for providing treatments that make your clients look and feel their best. This means coming up with unique and innovative ways to address their individual needs. Classes you can expect to take include:

  • Haircutting and styling
  • Hair coloring
  • Perming and straightening
  • Facial treatments
  • Makeup application
  • Manicures and pedicures
  • Waxing services
  • Business ethics
  • Salon management

State Licensing Exams

The application fee is $100. Renewal and reinstatement fees are also $100, and licenses are good for two years. The test consists of a 100 questions open book exam. The exam covers general concepts, applied anatomy, hair styling, and other services. You must pass the test with a 7-scaled score or higher.

How Much Do Cosmetologists Get Paid in Connecticut?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual pay for cosmetologists was $29,590 in 2020. The median hourly pay was $14.23. Predicted job growth between 2020 and 2030 is 9%. Pay can vary depending on experience, training, and location.

Does Connecticut Have Continuing Education Requirements for Cosmetologists?

There are no continuing education requirements in Connecticut. However, many cosmetologists pursue additional training to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and techniques. This can help them advance their career and earn a higher salary. You will need to renew your license every two years and pay a renewal fee.

Contact Information for Licensing Board

To learn more about state regulations for cosmetology, contact the Connecticut State Examining Board for Barbers, Hairdressers, and Cosmeticians.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 860-509-7603